
Welcome to Our Library
The 18.26 Network is committed to developing and sharing resources about global marketplace ministry for our present missionaries, those preparing to serve, and those interested in vocational missions.

Laborers for the Harvest: A New Wave of Missions by Jud Lamos
18.26 Network TOOL-BOX with many helpful items and tips
A Theology of Cities by Tim Keller
The Next Wave of Missions by JD Greer
I'm Retired and Want to Do Missions -- What's My Next Step? by John Piper
Missions and Millennials by Dr. Carl Chaplin, Kendra Jeffreys, & Aubra Whitten
The Doctrine of Vocation by Patrick Lai

Bible and Theology All courses are free.
Center for Faith & Work (Redeemer Network)
Various video series about integrating faith & work. There is a charge to watch the videos.
Exists to proclaim, teach and defend the holiness of God. Many of the videos and articles are free.
A collection of videos by Christian leaders on many aspects of ministry in missional settings. Videos are free to watch.
Institute For Faith, Work & Economics
Articles and some videos to educate and inspire Christians to live out a Biblical theology that integrates faith, work & economics. Mainly free.