Stephen and Kristal McCranie
Together, the McCranie family is answering the call to support missionary families in Nagoya, Japan with K-12 education. Kristal has taught high school English and Science since 2013. She will teach at and help establish Nagoya Christian School, which will provide a grace-based education to Christian families and missionaries in the area.
Nagoya is one of the most unchurched cities in one of the least Christian nations in the world. In other words, the perfect place to send missionaries! However, a lack of sustainable education options has forced many missionary families to leave the field, ceasing their gospel ministry.
A similar school established in Tokyo years before brought stability, attracted new missionary families, and led to the planting of numerous churches. The McCranies hope to do the same in Nagoya, giving missionaries a second decade in the field to continue using their familiarity with the culture, knowledge of the language, and relationships with the people to further the gospel.
Please pray that the people of Nagoya: students and parents, Christian or not, would know the breadth and length and height and depth of the love of Jesus Christ.